PARTY on Facebook

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"From Nothing to a Prestigious Event company with mobile & online presence.

Don't you love that term? "From nothing to something"..... But in this case its from nothing to being a prestigious event company. High Society Events launch in November 2008. With the strategic online and mobile marketing strategically put together by TextToParty, High Society Events online and mobile presence was felt.

To date, High Society Events is one of TextToParty top client.

Texttoparty not only provides access to the hottest events, concerts, bars and lounges, but also have a long list of events and clubs that it help establish there online and mobile presence.

Now patrons are able to communicate and interact with there favorite events, promoters and promotion company on demand...

TextToParty can help any club, promoter strategically, establish, launch, grow and maintain their mobile/cell phone database.

A few pass and recent texting campaigns:

Keri - Keri Hilson Event @ Dolce (Text KERI to 88089)
Glam - Glamorous Fridays @ Justins (Text GLAM to 88089)
Rsvp - High Society Events (Text RSVP to 88089)
Besexy - Besexy Campaign "texttoparty, mansion,dbg (Text BESEXY to 88089)
2night - Anniversary exclusive guest list (Text 2NIGHT to 88089)

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